New issue

2023, №: 8


Наука, новые технологии и инновации Кыргызстана

About journal

Scientific journal under review “Science, New Technologies and Innovations in Kyrgyzstan” (abbreviated name: “SNTIK (ННТИК)”) has been published since 2006.
Scientific journal “Science, New technologies and Innovations in Kyrgyzstan” founded with due regard for current stage of globalization development process and world economics moving to post industrialization development. It’s a special journal for publications of scientific researches recommended by HDC (higher dissertation commission) of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Constitutor: Social Academy of Scientists of the Kyrgyz Republic
Scientific reviewed journal “SNTIK” publishes the results of open scientific researches, done by scientific institutions, higher education establishments and citizens, who are doing researches on their own or on the official requirement.
Publisher: OwLR (Organisation with Limited Responsibility) – “Publishing House of scientific periodicals and children’s literature”
Chief Editor – Toktoraliev B.A., Academician of the Kyrgyz Republic National Academy of Sciences
The journal is included in the List of leading reviewing scientific journals and periodicals of HDC, which publish the main results of researches, presented for a doctor’s and candidate’s degrees.
The Journal, mainly publishes articles on technical and natural sciences in Kyrgyz, Russian, English and other languages:
Physics, Mathematics, Cybernetics, Geophysics, Mining, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Mechanics, Transport, Chemistry, Astronomy, Geology, Electro technology, Geodesy, Chemical industry, Chemical Technology, Cartography, Metrology, Power Engineering, Engineering industry, Automation, Computer engineering techniques, Geography, Biology, Metallurgy, Information science, Instrument-making industry, Architecture, Mass media, Means of mass media, All-round study of separate countries and regions, Electronics, Radio engineering, Environment protection, Humans ecology, Medicine.
Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic registered the Journal under the number №577-3301-У-e on March 26, 1996 (State re-registration certificate of ГПЮ series №150408-3301-OO of November 3, 2015) Science, new technologies and innovations in Kyrgyzstan (abbreviation: “SNTIK”)
Registration certificate ПСМИ №2109 of 11.01.2016
The journal is registered in Russian index of scientific quotation (РИНЦ - RISQ) (license agreement №001-01/2015 of 12.01.2015)
The Journal has:
Impact-factor (0,083) – formal quantitative index of importance of the scientific journal
International classifier ISSN 1694-7649 and is a reviewing periodical
International list of scientific-informational material on the bases of DOI (CrossRef)
Russian and foreign authors articles are published in the Journal. It covers scientific life events: leading scientific discussions, conferences, seminars, “round tables”
The Journal is monthly – 12 times a year
Currently, Science, New Technologies and innovations in Kyrgyzstan is available on-line library systems data bases of scientific periodicals: РИНЦ, ВАК, КИНЦ, DOAJ.
The journal keeps the policy of open access: eLIBRARY,
Aims and tasks of the Journal are:
Introducing scientific research results of our country to world scientific society
Creating an international scientific environment by attracting scientists from foreign countries on natural, technical sciences and engineering
Articles on all scientific spheres are included on internet journal.
Only original articles, not published in other periodicals before, are published in the Journal.
Articles can be in Kyrgyz, Russian, English, Turkish and Kazakh languages.
The editor staff recommends to study section “For authors” during the work over article. Here you can get a consultation about preparation of article for publication and making it significant and interesting.